Preventative and Wellness Care

Routine wellness care is the foundation for a lifetime of good health for your pet.  Many diseases that pets are susceptible to are either 100% preventable with proper intervention or are easily managed when detected early.  Our Veterinarians are fully committed to improving and maintaining your pet’s overall health.  We will provide a comprehensive full body exam to evaluate your pet’s health and address any concerns you may have.  We will also assess your pet’s risk of exposure to different diseases and come up with a plan to reduce risk of disease.

Our Preventative and Wellness Care includes:
-Comprehensive Wellness Exam
-Heartworm Test
-Fecal Exam to check for Intestinal Parasites
-Nutritional Counseling
-Dental Exams
-Heartworm Prevention
-Flea and Tick Prevention
-Senior Wellness Bloodwork
-Behavior Counseling

Most importantly, wellness visits allow us to develop that all important bond with your pet.  Together, we will help your animal companion enjoy a long, happy, and healthy life.